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Liebster Award! Q&A

Posted by on November 4, 2013
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Liebster Award

‘The Liebster, which means “dearest” in German, is a nomination for up-and-coming bloggers with less than 200 followers.’ This was the first I heard of it when Beyond the 813 sent me a nomination! Thanks!

Here are my answers for the Liebster Award. ENJOY!

1. How many stamps do you have in your passport and where are they from?

I have been to London, Ireland, Northern Ireland, France, Italy, Greece, and Germany. I probably have around 6 stamps in my current passport (I had to mail it to the Russian embassy for my visa application so I cannot check right now for the exact number).

2. Do you consider yourself a backpacker or flashpacker?

Probably more of a flashpacker.

3. If you won tickets to anywhere in the world, where would you go? You can only choose 1 place :D

Egypt – who doesn’t want to look at pyramids and mummies? I keep hoping things calm down there so I can visit. I’m hoping 2015….

4. What countries have you been to, this year?

I haven’t gone anywhere this year; just stayed in Canada. Next year I have some big travel plans.

5. Do you have any trips plans for next year? If so, where?

I have a very big trip planned for February – going to visit Moscow and Sochi in Russia plus Prague, Czech Republic. I have attended the last two Olympics (London and Vancouver) and will be adding Sochi to the list. I decided to visit Moscow and Prague as well. I have tickets to 15 events which range from the men’s downhill to men’s figure skating to women’s hockey and of course men’s hockey. I am a Russian historian so I am VERY excited to finally visit Russia. 🙂

I also plan on taking my very first non-European vacation later in the year. Time to visit somewhere tropical for a relaxing vacation.

6. Name 3 things, you always have to take with you on your trip.

Camera, journal and ipad. I like to take pictures, of course, write in a journal and have an ipad filled with movies/tv shows to pass the time on flights or trains.

7. Do you normally overpack or underpack? 

I am usually an overpacker. So far, this hasn’t been a problem. I do try to take less when I go to Europe. It’s hard but I’ve managed.

8. When does your passport expire?


9. If you could go on a trip with anyone, who would it be?

I would love for my mom to go on a trip with me to Germany or take my dad to Ireland. Both hate planes so that is never ever going to happen. Lame! 🙂

10. How far in advance, do you plan your trips?

For my Olympic trips, you need to plan well in advance. I would say I started planning years in advance (to make sure I got event tickets) but for hotel/plane bookings, at least six months in advance minimum. For my other trips to Europe, it’s probably closer to three months. I swear one of these days, I’m going to take a trip where I do not plan a thing and just hop on a plane. Someday! 🙂

So here are the rules to the Liebster Nominations!
  1. Thank the person who nominated you and link back up to his/her blog.
  2. Answer the 10 (or 11!) questions which are given to you by the nominator.
  3. Nominate other bloggers for the award who have less than 200 followers.
  4. Create 10 questions for your nominees to answer
  5. Let the nominees know that they have been nominated by going to their blog and notifying them.

Beyond the 813

Don’t Squeeze the Peaches

Angela Travels

Travel It Girl

Innocent Nomad

Here are your questions:

1. How many languages do you speak or do you ever learn some of the language of the country you are visiting?

2. How many countries have you visited?

3. What is on your travel bucket list (if you have one)?

4. Have you ever travelled solo?

5. Do you prefer hostels or hotels?

6. What is your best or favourite travel tip?

7. If you could visit only one country, which would it be and why?

8. What type of camera do you use?

9. Have you ever been scammed in a foreign country? If not, how do you avoid scammers?

10. Name your top three favourite blogs!

Keep the sharing going and have fun! Can’t wait to read your answers!

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